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Facebook Hate Button soon?

So you like pages on Facebook? You may like Starbucks, McDonald's, Louis Vuitton, Lady Gaga and any pages, so how about your dislike or hate product, artist or pages?
Like button is one of the unique feature of Facebook that makes everyone to be in trend (*ehem* Plus One)

Many pages got a million of likes and specially Lady Gaga who has near to 50 million likes? It doesn't mean that 50 million people like her? How about those haters? Maybe the Hate Button is for you (if its really coming).

Are you agree that you hate things more than you like in this earth? This maybe one of the factor to based if it can be implemented. There are debates also if it can be called as "Hate" or "Dislike"
Hate Button is not that sure because it is still in debate by Facebook Team as what TechCrunch reported.
Maybe the right time to share your right and hate is coming once it's implemented!
Some of the rumors are, some pages will going to have a negative likes once number of likes is subtracted to number of hates.

The hate button will surely serve as the rating of a page or may cause a button explosion!
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